Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The story of Haier and my experience ..

When I was doing my engineering,  Haier was just waiting to happen ..πŸ‘ excellent 45 min youtube video story of Haier.. πŸ‘πŸ‘


Every Bschool student should watch this video. How the firm belief to give ONLY the best product to the customer, whatever it may cost, transformed a company to be the world's largest white goods manufacturer. The story of QingDao Refrigerator company in China.

The CEO of Haier Zhang Ruimin, the person responsible for bringing the quality revolution in Haier, asking the employees of Qingdao refrigerator company who built 76 faulty refrigerators to destroy them in 1984 made big news. The cost of a refrigerator then was two yeas pay of an employee. Within 3 years by 1987, it was a sought after refrigerator company of the world. When GE wanted to buy it in the early nineties, Haier snubbed them by refusing a buyout.

Later in 2014 when GE Home appliances merger with Electolux, did not materialise, GE turned to Haier in 2016, asking them to takeover GE Home appliances. Why, GE did not find it worthwhile continuing to be in the home appliances division, because aircraft turbines, medical equipment and finance were high in GE's radar than the ordinary refrigerator and washing machines white goods business.  The deal was for $5.6 billion. The competition from Korean companies was great, LG and Samsung.

The Rendenhai model where the company was divided into 60,000 Rendenhai, each trying to work on it's own entrepreneurship model, was changed by Kevin Nolan, the new CEO from GE, who divided the company into different businesses. After winning lot of laurels for bringing in innovation, the Internet of Things (IoT) fridge, connected with the other elements of the domestic ecosystem, was a big change for Haier, which in 2019 generated a revenue of Yuan 200 billion ($28.2 billion).  

Recently due to the heavy advertising Haier is doing in India, I bought a Haier top loading washing machine. This machine they claimed is assisted by AI, fuzzy logic. True to the word, compared to the earlier Godrej top loading automatic washing machine, this washing machine uses just half the water, washes neat, with effective rinse cycles and what not .. With Godrej to reduce the water consumption, we used to interrupt the cycle and carry out manual interventions.  

Just simple application of fuzzy logic which tells what is the washing time at the beginning of the wash cycle, the different washing movements etc is decided by the machine.

I am impressed how the Qingdao refrigerator company in 1980s has now transormed to become Haier with GE Household Appliances under it's wing, giving a run for the money for Korean competitors, LG and Samsung.  ..


Virtual Open Forum meeting on Online Learning platforms at Alliance University, Bangalore, India

Today we had the first virtual meeting of the Open Forum in Alliance University in Bangalore because of the Corona virus lockdown across the country of India and the world. Even though the faculty could have stayed away, they showed great enthusiasm, understanding and concern for a very pressing issue facing the student community of the world. They also understood that it was a great opportunity to make, break or sustain traditional educational delivery models over modern high technology alternatives. .

About 7 faculty members attended the session from Bangalore from 3.30 PM for an hour on 31 March 2020..

The topic was on Sharing the rich lessons from the Online Courses undertaken in Alliance University.

Two of the faculty members shared their personal experiences. Dr. Shobana Padmanabhan from the College of Engineering and Design spoke of her experience of using ZOOM for teaching her students in Information Technology at the Engineering College. 

Internet speeds and connectivity for people from outside Bangalore was a major cause of concern for the students. The students were okay with 2 hours of online classes but not more. Constant feedback from students helped Dr. Shobana to tailor her delivery mode to suit their needs.

Dr. George spoke of how his MOOC style online teaching has been benefiting students - 2-3 hours of instruction followed by daily quizzes. Dr. George first tried out Youtube Studio, then went to private Youtube videos which were recorded and distributed to students for learning, followed by quizzes. 

This approach was cumbersome and on feedback Dr. George changed to ZOOM web conferencing software available in public domain for interacting with sem 2 students on Supply chain management, which has been interesting and convenient. Though it is not possible to have recordings like in YouTube sessions. Dr. George feels the daily quizzes were the reinforcing factor which helped in better retention by students.  

Prof. Sajan and Prof. Sukanya, our tech protagonists in the discussion, were discussing on means and ways by which the online meetings could be made more effective. Their suggestions and proposals for and against both Coursera and MS Teams were interesting and provided great insight into the administration and delivery of these online courses.

The meeting was attended by 7 members and the interactions were very fruitful. We intend to have more virtual sessions on interesting topics in the Open Forum during this Corona virus lockdown period in the country.

The ZOOM software may or may not be replaced by MS Teams software which has been procured by Uty some time back for online learning. There is a demo tomorrow after which it will be decided to go for it or not.

The most dominating aspect of the discussion was the conviction among the experienced and learned faculty, of the inevitability and utility of high-quality online learning solutions in the future education canvas of the world..


Monday, March 23, 2020

Useful educational websites for students ..

Dear All,

In need of any book(.pdf) relating to any subject/field or topic? 

Go to your browser and type:

You will get access to millions of  books you need, for free.

Unlimited downloads. 

You may browse by title or author, etc.
Currently 274376478 books are available for free and every minute, around 50 new books are added to the database.
All downloads are free😊.

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http://ocw.tufts.edu -Tuft University
http://ocw.upm.es -Univesidad Politechnica, Madrid
http://ocw.usu.edu/ -Utah State University
http://open.umich.edu/ -University of Michigan
http://ocw.nd.edu/ -Nore Dame University


■ About.com (www.about.com)
■ AllTheWeb (www.alltheweb.com)
■ AltaVista (www.altavista.com)
■ Ask Jeeves! (www.askjeeves.com)
■ Excite (www.excite.com)
■ HotBot (www.hotbot.com)
■ LookSmart (www.looksmart.com)
■ Lycos (www.lycos.com)
■ Open Directory (www.dmoz.org)
■ Google (www.google.com)
■ Mamma (www.mamma.com)
■ Webcrawler (www.webcrawler.com)
■ Aol (www.aol.com)
■ Dogpile (www.dogpile.com)
■ 10pht (www.10pht.com)

■ AnyWho (www.anywho.com)
■ InfoSpace (www.infospace.com)
■ Switchboard (www.switchboard.com)
■ WhitePages.com (www.whitepages.com)
■ WhoWhere (www.whowhere.lycos.com)

■ ABC News (www.abcnews.com)
■ CBS News (www.cbsnews.com)
■ CNN (www.cnn.com)
■ Fox News (www.foxnews.com)
■ MSNBC (www.msnbc.com)
■ New York Times (www.nytimes.com)
■ USA Today (www.usatoday.com)

■ CBS SportsLine (www.sportsline.com)
■ CNN/Sports Illustrated (sportsillustrated.cnn.com)
■ ESPN.com (espn.go.com)
■ FOXSports (foxsports.lycos.com)
■ NBC Sports (www.nbcsports.com)
■ The Sporting News (www.sportingnews.com)

■ healthAtoZ.com (www.healthatoz.com)
■ kidsDoctor (www.kidsdoctor.com)
■ MedExplorer (www.medexplorer.com)
■ MedicineNet (www.medicinenet.com)
■ National Library of Medicine
■ Planet Wellness (www.planetwellness.com)
■ WebMD Health (my.webmd.com)

http://www.ajol.info/ - African Journal Online
www.doaj.org - directory of open access journal
www.sabinet.co.za - South African Journals.
www.oajse.com - Open Access Journal Search Engine
http://www.dovepress.com/ - Free Scientific & Medical Materials
http://www.copernicus.org/ - Access & Publication

http://dbis.uni-trier.de/DBL-Browser/ - Digital Bibliography Library Browser
http://academic.live.com - Live Search Academic
http://www.science.gov/ - USA government for Science
http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/index - Computing & Information Sciences
http://www.mendeley.com/ - academic social network/collaboration
http://www.worldcat.org/ - Multidisciplinary
http://libserver.cedefop.europa.eu - Voc & Tech Education
http://inspirehep.net/ - Stanford physics information retrieval system
hsystemv  www.ssrn.com/ - Social Science Research Network.


Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Italian lesson for the world on Corona virus ..

Italians now repent not having followed precautions at the beginning of this pandemic .. This is a letter I got from my friends, it was so moving and informative, I thought it should reach more people.

Self-quarantining and social distancing are the two major steps we Indians can take now to prevent a catastrophe hitting us ..


A letter from Italy,

If only Italians had taken the advice seriously .. 
Peace for all,
We live in Italy - Milan,

 I'm going to share with you and explain to you, "How is life here in Milan" during these difficult days and how do I think you should learn from the mistakes and their consequences that we live here.

 We are currently in quarantine.  We don't take to the streets, the police are in constant motion and arrest anyone outside his home.

Everything is closed!  ... business, malls, stores, all streets without movement.

Feeling of the end of the world !!
Italy, the country of living life, is transformed from one moment to the next as if it were a dark country of war. It is a fact that I never thought I would ever live!

People are confused, sad, anxious and helpless, and often do not understand how this reality was imposed on them and when this whole nightmare will end.

The big mistake was that at the start of the first hit people continued to lead their lives as usual and took to the streets for work, entertainment and feeling like a vacation period, so gatherings with friends and banquets abound.

Everyone was wrong and so were you!
I beg you, be careful, this is neither a laugh nor a joke. Protect your loved ones, your parents, and your grandparents!  The disease is dangerous for them.

Social distancing, basic norms ..
About 200 people die here every day, not because medicine in Milan is not good (it's one of the best in the world), but rather because there are no places for everyone!

Doctors choose who will die!  This is only because of the silliness of the citizens at the beginning, who decided to continue their lives as usual, regardless of the new situation!

Please, learn from the mistakes, we are a small country that could end up with a great tragedy. Listen well now ,,, πŸ™

1. Don't go out into crowded places
      2. Try not to eat in public places. 
3. Stay longer at home during this time! 
      4. Listen to the Ministry of Health guidelines (don't play it!). 
5. Talk about a meter away from each person, do not come close, do not cuddle or accept. 
      6. Get a complementary and preventive treatment and learn from others' mistakes. 
7. We recommend that you take vitamin C to boost your immune system.
 Helping professionals prevent the spread of the epidemic ...

 In Italy, the entire country is isolated, meaning 60 million people in quarantine !!

This would have been prevented if people had heard the instructions from the beginning. Take care of yourself and the life of the one you love ❤❤

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Top 20 points for global bschools to excel ..

A list of 20 key parameters for evaluating the quality of a global business school.. 1. Accreditation Accreditation from agencies like AACSB...