Thursday, October 3, 2024

Israel PM Netanyahu in the UN Gen Assembly Sept '24

*Excerpts from Benjamin Netanyahu's speech,  Israel's Call*

75 years ago, we were brought here to die. We had neither a country nor an army. Seven nations waged war against us. We were only 65,000. No one was there to save us. We were continually attacked.

Countries like Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, Libya, Saudi Arabia, and others showed no mercy toward us. Everyone wanted to kill us, but we survived.

The United Nations gave us land, land that was 65% desert. We watered it with our blood. We accepted it as our nation because, for us, it was everything.

We have forgotten nothing. We survived Pharaoh. We survived Greece. We survived Rome. We survived Spain. We survived Hitler. We survived the Arab nations. We survived Saddam. We survived Gaddafi.
We will survive Hamas, we will survive Hezbollah, and we will survive Iran.

Our Jerusalem has been attacked 52 times, besieged 23 times, destroyed 39 times, ruined three times, and captured 44 times, but we have never forgotten our Jerusalem. It is in our hearts, it is in our minds, and as long as we exist, Jerusalem will remain in our soul.

The world should remember that those who wanted to destroy us are no longer here. Egypt, Lebanon, Babylon, Greece, Alexander, Rome—all are gone.

Yet we still survive.

They (the Islamists) want to destroy us. They have taken over our customs. They have taken over our teachings. They have taken over our traditions. They have taken over our prophets. Over time, Abraham became Ibrahim, Solomon became Suleiman, David became Daud, Moses became Musa...

And then one day... they said your prophet (Muhammad) has arrived. We did not accept this. How could we? His time had not yet come. They said, "Accept him! Embrace him!" We did not accept. Then we were killed. Our cities were captured, our city of Yathrib was turned into Medina. We were massacred and exiled. Our people were expelled, persecuted, and scattered across the world. Despite all this, we remained resilient, we held on to our identity, our faith, and our heritage.

They tried to erase us, to assimilate us, to destroy our culture, our beliefs, and our history. But we did not forget who we are, and we did not lose sight of our homeland. We held on to the hope of returning to Jerusalem, to our land, to our people.

We built our nation with our hands, with our sacrifices, and with our willpower. We transformed the desert into flourishing fields, we established a thriving democracy, we built one of the most advanced nations in the world. We made our dreams a reality, against all odds.

Today, we stand strong, united, and determined to defend our people, our land, and our future. Our enemies may continue their attempts to destroy us, but they will fail, just as they have failed before. We will not be intimidated by terror, we will not be swayed by threats, and we will not surrender to fear.

Israel is here to stay. We will continue to protect our citizens, our borders, and our freedom. And we will continue to pursue peace, but never at the cost of our security or our survival.

The world must understand that the Jewish people are not going anywhere. We have survived the greatest challenges in history, and we will continue to thrive. Jerusalem will remain the eternal capital of Israel, and we will ensure that it remains a place of peace and coexistence for all.

*We are a people of hope, of strength, of resilience. And we will continue to rise, as we have done for thousands of years. We will survive, and we will prevail, because this is our destiny, and this is our home.*

Sunday, September 22, 2024

How to be successful in life..

20 key tips for achieving success in life:

1. Set Clear Goals: Identify what you truly want in life and set specific, measurable goals to work toward.

2. Create a Plan: Break down your goals into actionable steps, and establish a roadmap for achieving them.

3. Develop Self-Discipline: Success often requires consistent effort. Build discipline to stay focused and avoid distractions.

4. Stay Persistent: Challenges and setbacks are inevitable. Persevering through them is key to long-term success.

5. Embrace Lifelong Learning: Continuously acquire new knowledge and skills to stay relevant and adaptable.

6. Take Calculated Risks: Success often involves stepping outside your comfort zone and taking thoughtful, informed risks.

7. Surround Yourself with Positivity: Engage with people who inspire, motivate, and uplift you.

8. Manage Time Effectively: Prioritize tasks, avoid procrastination, and allocate time wisely to important activities.

9. Stay Organized: Keep your environment and tasks in order, making it easier to focus on what matters.

10. Cultivate a Growth Mindset: Believe in your ability to grow and improve. Embrace challenges as learning opportunities.

11. Take Care of Your Health: Physical and mental well-being are crucial to maintaining energy and focus.

12. Develop Emotional Intelligence: Understand your emotions and those of others, enabling you to navigate relationships effectively.

13. Learn from Failures: Treat failures as stepping stones to success. Analyze what went wrong and use it to improve.

14. Stay Adaptable: The ability to adjust to changing circumstances can lead to new opportunities.

15. Maintain Consistency: Small, regular actions accumulate over time, creating significant results.

16. Seek Feedback: Learn from others' perspectives to improve yourself and your work.

17. Give Back: Contributing to others and your community often leads to personal growth and fulfillment.

18. Network Strategically: Build strong relationships with people in your field or with similar goals, fostering mutual growth.

19. Stay Focused on Your Vision: Avoid getting sidetracked by distractions or other people's expectations.

20. Practice Gratitude: Appreciate what you have and the progress you've made to maintain a positive outlook.

These strategies, when applied consistently, can enhance your chances of success in both personal and professional life.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Why antisemitism will never work ?

Antisemitism, the age-old prejudice against the Jewish people, is a fundamentally flawed and destructive mindset that has led to untold suffering and injustice throughout history. 

Rooted in ignorance, hatred, and misinformation, it seeks to blame, isolate, and dehumanize an entire people based on their religion and heritage. Yet, as history has shown time and time again, such hatred does not stand the test of time. It crumbles under the weight of progress, unity, and the resilience of those it seeks to oppress.

Opposing Israel, a nation born from the ashes of one of humanity's darkest chapters, is not only morally unjust but also strategically shortsighted. Israel, despite its small size, has emerged as a global leader in innovation, technology, and democracy in one of the most volatile regions in the world. Those who wish to see its downfall are ignoring the profound strength of its people, the unbreakable alliances it holds, and the moral arc of justice that bends toward survival and peace.

Nations that oppose Israel find themselves on the wrong side of history, clinging to outdated ideologies that foster division and animosity rather than cooperation and mutual respect. In an interconnected world, those who build walls of hate are doomed to fail, while those who extend a hand in friendship thrive. 

The future belongs to nations that embrace peace, diversity, and the strength of unity — not those shackled by ancient prejudices and narrow-minded geopolitics. The opposition to Israel is not only unjust; it is a path to irrelevance.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

20 simple steps to remain healthy, happy and vigilant

20 simple and important steps to maintain good health, spiritual invigoration, happiness, friendship, and avoid financial frauds after 60:

1. **Regular Physical Activity**: Engage in moderate exercise like walking, yoga, or swimming to maintain physical health and mobility.
2. **Healthy Diet**: Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to support overall health.
3. **Regular Health Check-ups**: Schedule regular visits to your healthcare provider for routine screenings and health monitoring.
4. **Stay Hydrated**: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated and functioning optimally.
5. **Mental Stimulation**: Engage in activities that challenge your mind, such as puzzles, reading, or learning new skills.
6. **Social Connections**: Maintain and nurture relationships with family and friends to combat loneliness and boost happiness.
7. **Spiritual Practice**: Incorporate daily practices like meditation, prayer, or mindfulness to stay spiritually connected and calm.
8. **Volunteer Work**: Get involved in community service or charity work to give back and feel a sense of purpose.
9. **Join a Club or Group**: Participate in hobby-based clubs or groups to meet new people and stay socially active.
10. **Financial Planning**: Review and update your financial plan regularly to ensure it aligns with your current needs and goals.
11. **Beware of Scams**: Be cautious of unsolicited offers, especially those that sound too good to be true, and consult a trusted advisor before making financial decisions.
12. **Simplify Finances**: Consolidate accounts and simplify your finances to make them easier to manage and monitor.
13. **Stay Educated on Technology**: Learn basic technology skills to stay connected and informed, and to spot potential online scams.
14. **Mindful Living**: Practice mindfulness in daily life to reduce stress and increase overall happiness.
15. **Stay Positive**: Cultivate a positive mindset by focusing on gratitude and the good things in life.
16. **Routine Sleep Schedule**: Maintain a regular sleep schedule to ensure you get enough rest and recovery.
17. **Limit Alcohol and Tobacco**: Reduce or eliminate the use of alcohol and tobacco to prevent health issues.
18. **Engage in Nature**: Spend time outdoors in nature to refresh your mind and body.
19. **Financial Security Measures**: Use secure passwords, monitor your accounts, and consider identity theft protection.
20. **Stay Curious and Open-Minded**: Embrace new experiences, ideas, and perspectives to keep life exciting and fulfilling.

Coconut apple ..

Known as the coconut pearl or coconut apple, this embryo is rich in antioxidants and nutrients. It supports immune system health and is known for its antiviral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-parasite properties. It is also a natural source of quick energy.
The coconut embryo helps improve digestion and absorption of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, insulin secretion, and restores thyroid function as well. It is the perfect snack for those who are looking for weight loss and healthy eating!

At Rs 60/=, at Hosur, a good filling eating this nature's unspoilt treasure with such great health benefits .. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‘
Coconut apple or coconut embryo .. เดคേเด™്เด™ാ เดชൊเด™്เด™്

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Being healthy after 60..

Here are some tips on how to maintain good health after the age of 60: (you may already be practicing some of them .. ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘) ..

Physical Health

1. Exercise regularly (e.g., walking, swimming, yoga)
2. Maintain a healthy weight
3. Eat a balanced diet (fruits, vegetables, whole grains)
4. Stay hydrated (drink plenty of water)
5. Get enough sleep (7-8 hours)
6. Manage stress (meditation, deep breathing)
7. Stay physically active (garden, walk)
8. Monitor blood pressure and cholesterol
9. Get regular check-ups (health screenings)
10. Practice good hygiene (handwashing, etc.)

*Mental Health*

1. Stay socially engaged (friends, family, community)
2. Engage in mentally stimulating activities (reading, puzzles)
3. Practice mindfulness and meditation
4. Seek professional help (depression, anxiety)
5. Stay connected with loved ones (phone, video calls)


1. Eat foods high in fiber (fruits, vegetables)
2. Include omega-3 rich foods (salmon, walnuts)
3. Choose whole grains (brown rice, quinoa)
4. Limit processed and sugary foods
5. Drink green tea and other antioxidants

*Safety and Prevention*

1. Wear protective gear (seatbelts, helmets)
2. Use assistive devices (canes, walkers)
3. Fall-proof your home (remove tripping hazards)
4. Stay up-to-date on vaccinations
5. Practice safe driving habits

*Social Connections*

1. Stay connected with friends and family
2. Join social clubs or organizations
3. Volunteer in your community
4. Take classes or workshops
5. Use technology to stay connected (video calls, messaging)

*Health Check-Ups*

1. Regular health check-ups (annual physicals)
2. Monitor chronic conditions (diabetes, hypertension)
3. Get regular dental check-ups
4. Stay on top of preventive care (mammograms, colonoscopies)
5. Know your family medical history

*Mental Stimulation*

1. Engage in hobbies (painting, gardening)
2. Learn new skills (cooking, photography)
3. Practice memory exercises (brain games)
4. Read and stay informed (news, books)
5. Challenge yourself mentally (puzzles, crosswords)

*Emotional Well-being*

1. Practice gratitude and positivity
2. Seek support from loved ones
3. Engage in activities that bring joy
4. Practice self-care (relaxation, meditation)
5. Stay connected with nature

*Sleep and Relaxation*

1. Establish a consistent sleep schedule
2. Create a relaxing bedtime routine
3. Avoid caffeine and electronics before bed
4. Practice relaxation techniques (deep breathing)
5. Take breaks and rest when needed

Remember, maintaining good health after 60 requires a holistic approach that includes physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By following these tips, you can stay healthy, happy, and engaged in your golden years!

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Preventing online frauds ..

*๐Ÿ‘ Encyclopaedia of types of Online Frauds and way to prevent the same ๐Ÿ‘*

This email is sent as precautionary measures to all. Though this msg is bit lengthy, we request everyone to read at least once. You may agree or disagree with some of the points. But, our main moto is to keep you and your family members alert from fake calls. 

A lot of cases are coming to light every day where even the most educated are becoming victims of online frauds, transferring their hard-earned money to scamsters through UPI or the internet. The amounts at times are painfully in lakhs. And once gone, it is going to be very hard to come back despite more and more complaints.

Modus operandi of scamsters :- 

1. You get a call from the Police away from your city that your parcel has narcotics / banned substances, and an FIR is being registered.  

2.  Your son / daughter is caught with drugs or met with an accident. Immediate money is required for hospitalisation/ bail.

3.  A known friend/ relative will call you or message you to lend money for some grave emergency.    

4.  Someone will pose as your customer, like to buy your product/ services and will send you advance money through a QR code which actually will be programmed to take money instead of giving. On first successful transfer he will plead a mistake and will send another QR to return the wrongly transferred amount and again polish off your money and keep repeating till you realise what is happening to you. E.g. OLX frauds.  

5.  Someone will tell you to renew your Insurance policy which is lying defunct. And entice you with gains and schemes.

6.  You have won a lottery and to get it online transfer of mandatory charges otherwise it will lapse in one hour.

7.  Irresistible offers for making money through shares & stocks trading, financial scheme, cheap plots, holidays, gifts, vouchers, investment, or anything financial.  

8.  AI cloned voice or video of your near and dear one pleading for help to bail him/her out of an emergency.    

9.  Threat to leak your intimate moments caught through your hacked phone or laptop camera. Overseas hackers demand ransom in Bitcoins. Famous Ransomware frauds.  

10.  A response to your ad for renting out a property / sell / purchase with immediate transfer of token money request.

11.  Calls from fake IT department, or ED or any so-called Govt Regulatory agency, scaring you to act before yesterday or immediately.

12.  Various types of Parcel frauds.

Each day a new way to siphon off your money online is being invented and successfully implemented.

Thumb rules to be followed to stay safe:-

1.  Always disconnect the call and call back your family/ friend to cross check from whose number or ID the scamster has made a call.

2.  Authenticate every such call by calling back, if you prefer to do so.

3.  Do not believe any person on call whom you have never met in person. Do not do any financial deal with unknown agent of even your own favourite bank/ LIC/ company.

4.  Cut the call if it starts with "A very good afternoon I am so & so speaking on behalf of so & so bank, kya meri baat Mr /Mrs ........ so & so se ho rahi hai.. "

5.  Install a premium version of Truecaller or any other call id software (certainly not promoted) which will warn you 90% of time for any potential fraud caller, do not pick such call and immediately block him on your phone.

6.  Never do UPI/ wallet transfers to anyone whom you don't owe a dime.

7.  Never transfer money when you are extremely busy, attending some important meeting, watching a show/ movie or out with friends. The moment they realise this half their job is done.  

8.  Never ever share the OTP that you received especially Aadhar OTP and the bank OTPs with anyone.

9.  Do not respond to messages regarding a threat that your electricity will be disconnected or your ATM card will be disabled or your bank account will be frozen.  All these are hoax.  

10.  Never do KYC updates on telephone calls. Do it through bank's authorised Netbanking or visit branch in person.  

11.  Do not link your bank account with UPI which have a huge balance. Do open another account and keep a small balance in it for UPI transfers.

12.  Always check the full details written with the QR code received for any UPI transfer.

13.  Call the caller to meet in person and check his credentials and still refuse to deal through him by telling that you do all your deals through a family member who is also an agent.

14.  Do not transfer any amount while the caller is live with you. He deliberately engages you in conversation which you are being led to stupidity.

15.  Never believe a caller if he says that his UPI is not working so he is requesting you to use yours, and it's an emergency.

16.  Mind you 100% such emergencies are fake but the caller will convince you of its genuineness. Do ask the name of that hospital where accident victim is not getting admission and tell him the name of some random doctor known to you who will help, he will disconnect the call.  You should actually call that hospital and find out truth.

17.  There are no free lunches and no easy gains.   Any lure which is bigger than the prevailing trends is a sure shot trouble. Avoid irresistible offers from unknown.

18.  Do not join advertised Whatsapp/ Telegram groups to learn inside tips for stock trading and multiplying your money.

19.  Stay alert stay safe. Don't be vulnerable, easy victim and gullible.  

20.  Do not respond to calls that you have multiple sims on your mobile and your phone will be disconnected in two hours or so.

21.  Shared for veterans/retired ones & all your near & dear ones for whom you care.

In the end, it is always advised to keep a close circle of friends and share their numbers with you/your parents so as to have a quick cross-check by calling the friends and ensuring the safety, and certainly to avoid huge losses at the hurried moments.

Israel PM Netanyahu in the UN Gen Assembly Sept '24

* Excerpts from Benjamin Netanyahu's speech,  Israel's Call* 75 years ago, we were brought here to die. We had neither a country nor...